每日一句 ( 2024920 )  

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

歲月留痕,只及肌膚;激情不再,皺起心靈。———— Samuel Ullman


2021.02.18 經(jīng)批評,原提供的幾段代碼有錯誤,本人其實對VB也不了解。以下是回復(fù)中更正的代碼:Private Sub Form_Click()?For i = 1 To 100 Step 1???? p = 0?? For j = 2 To Sqr(i) Step 1???? If i Mod j = 0 Then?????? p = 1???? End If?? Next j?? If p = 0 Then???? Print i;?? End IfNext iEnd Sub